How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP) professionals are there?
The number of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP) professionals worldwide has surpassed 213,000 as of 31 December 2022, according to Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB), the standards-setting body for the global financial planning profession and owner of the international CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certification program outside the United States.
There was a gain of 9,690 CFP professionals last year as FPSB and its global network of organisations grew the number of CFP professionals worldwide by nearly 5% to a total of 213,002.
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certification is a globally recognised symbol of excellence for financial planning. Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB) and its network of affiliate organisations administer or are preparing to administer, the CFP certification program globally in 27 countries and territories.
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER (CFP) professionals are there in the different markets? (selected markets)
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in the world?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in the US?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in China?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Japan?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Australia?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Hong Kong?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Korea?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Chinese Taipei?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Malaysia?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in India?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Indonesia?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Singapore?
How many CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals are there in Thailand?
For the full breakdown, see below or refer to FPSB.
Access to professional financial planning advice
FPSB CEO Dante De Gori, CFP, said: “We’re pleased to report the number of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals worldwide continues to grow, reaching its highest ever at over 213,000. Our robust global community of CFP professionals means people around the world have access to financial planning from those who have committed to rigorous standards of competency, ethics and practice.
“With global economic uncertainty and the rising costs of living impacting so many, increased access to financial planning advice is of utmost importance to help individuals and families stay on track to reach their goals and achieve financial well-being.”
The FPSB and the FPSB global network administer CFP certification and other programs in the following 27 territories: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Colombia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, People’s Republic of China, Peru, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
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