PartnersPlan Am I too young to think about making a will?Rachel ChanNovember 14, 2022 November 21, 2022When should one consider writing up a will and start thinking about what legacy they want to leave behind? While “will writing” conj...
PartnersProperty What happens if one dies without a will?Rachel ChanAugust 5, 2022 September 26, 2022Without a will, one’s next-of-kin might need to jump through more hoops to distribute the deceased’s estate. Moreover, one’s loved o...
InsuranceInvestment Including digital assets in your will and estate planningFPASMarch 2, 2022 March 2, 2022Digital asset ownership has increased significantly, yet many people have not considered it in their will and estate planning. Irene...
InsurancePartners Insurance Nomination: A critical analysis of Lim Lina v Estate of Quick Cheng Gee, Deceased [2011] SGHC 267IFPASNovember 18, 2021 November 18, 2021Insurance nomination is an immensely powerful tool to direct capital created by an insurance policy to a targeted beneficiary. In th...