Switching your career? Switch your mindset first
Want to learn more about career conversion? Find out in this article by Elitez Group, a regional human resource company founded in Singapore in 2010. The Group provides reliable full-suite HR solutions for industries such as Healthcare, IT, Logistics, F&B, FMCG, Green Infrastructure, Environment & Social, Security and Government Services.
Starting a new job is one of the most stressful life events on the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, more so if you’re contemplating a complete career switch or even a change in industry. This can certainly be one of the top life stressors, especially if you are new to a field and unsure of what might be expected of you.
Get help from HR experts and e2i Career Conversion Programmes
But with a little help from human resource experts and the Employment & Employability Institute’s (e2i) Career Conversion Programmes (CCPs), it doesn’t have to be so.
Elitez Group of Companies works closely with e2i in developing CCPs to help mid-career individuals undergo skills conversion and move into new occupations or sectors that have good prospects and opportunities for progression.
Nicholas Chan, Project Manager at Elitez Group of Companies, shares what it takes – set your expectations right, make a switch in your mindset and be armed with new skillsets – to be on the way to making that bold move you have always wanted to.
“We typically start our candidates on a consultancy program, in which we will have 1-to-1 sessions with the candidates to understand their career prospects and assist them to enhance their CV (Curriculum Vitae), this is then followed closely by relevant job recommendations,” explains Nicholas on the first steps to a career conversion for their candidates.
“Besides that, in the course of their conversion, we will also support candidates by providing them with opportunities to learn new skills through our subsidiary Adept Academy, a WSQ (Workforce Skills Qualifications) certified ATO (Approved Training Organisations). This provides them with trainings and life skills such as responding to service challenges, essential service skills, workplace safety and many more.”
Under the CCP, candidates are also provided with an introduction to MyCareersFuture and stress management workshops, which help them to be prepared for hurdles in life and as well as to source for the jobs of their preference. Candidates are also able to attend webinars that showcase job opportunities and have a dedicated consultant tagged to them to assist them in their job hunt and reviewing of their CVs.
In the course of his work, Nicholas feels the most challenging part would have to be people management, particularly in managing candidates’ expectations.
“I feel this is the most critical part, in that many candidates do not see eye to eye with the reality. We are going through challenging times, and we may need to be practical in terms of transitioning over to a new employment. There was a candidate who wanted almost 50% more on the salary offered by a prospective employer. I had to patiently explain the situation and eventually convince the candidate to take up the job offer.”
Naturally, the most satisfying point of every project would have to be the successful placements of candidates.
“To be honest the most rewarding part is the conclusion of each project. Candidates are grateful to us for the assistance we have provided. Besides just providing them with a new job, they have also learned many skillsets through our WSQ trainings which benefited them tremendously. Many of them have since excelled in their fields and even started to move on to different career paths on their own.”
Jobseekers need to switch their mindset
One key element, Nicholas suggests, would be for jobseekers to switch their mindset along with the decision to step out and make that important career move.
“It is all about having the right mindset once you set out to make a career or industry switch. My advice for candidates is to not set your expectations too high, thinking that you will definitely be getting an increment of salary immediately. Sometimes you might get lesser than what you were drawing before, but if you are confident in your move, take up the offer and most importantly learn and progress along the way. Use your skillsets to best profile yourself and position yourself to be suitable for the industry or having what it takes to take on the job during the interview. Interviews are where first impressions make or break, so always be prepared for your interviews.”
Write Your Next Chapter
Elitez Group of Companies is currently running an outreach campaign – “Write Your Next Chapter” – to help candidates seeking career conversion or mid-career moves, to find their footing again in the endemic.
Elitez aims to work with industries and relevant organisations to make the transition for jobseekers and organisations an even smoother one.
Interested parties or jobseekers can call the Elitez hotline at 6602 8282 or drop an email to info@elitez.com.sg for a confidential discussion.
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