IWD: Wisdom from inspiring female business owners and leaders
Because International Women’s Day is not just a one-day thing.
Money Playschool is collaborating with GoalsMapper GM Rewards to celebrate International Women’s Day in the month of March.
Read on for wisdom and insights from these inspiring female business owners and leaders.

Don’t be afraid of the hard stuff. Every day you may face obstacles and it is easy to give up. But always believes that you are bigger than that.
Break up the obstacles into small pieces and conquer them one by one.

As a female entrepreneur, motherhood often throws curveballs your way.
When a new baby arrives, your work schedule goes out the window. And because you are the boss, and you manage your own time, this means that you are back to work a lot earlier than many other working women.
As such, it is important to have a good support system at home. Take mental breaks when you need it, schedule time for self-care, and try your best to work the baby’s schedule into your work schedule.
Most importantly, take things one step at a time and learn to let go when things don’t work out!

I draw inspiration from myself. Not in a narcissistic way, but I am proud of the steps I have taken and the journey I am on.
When I look back, I see a past that makes today unimaginable, yet I am here.
I am grateful for the journey, thankful for the support of people, and blessed to have the courage to be different.
I am my biggest cheerleader because of who I aspire to be. My inspiration comes from within me.
You may also check out more quotes on International Women’s Day on our IG here.